Don’t stop Susan, get the slimy bastard. Or at least make his last years bloody uncomfortable

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Doing my best. Everyone needs to forward everything to everyone they know.

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I do, but boy it’s hard to get people to open their eyes. But we have to remember the left woke evil have about a 20 year head start. But we have Substack and X now. Where we can share and speak much more freely. I continue to restack to keep the proofs out there. Thankyou for what you are doing, ❤️

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Thanks for the kind words.

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The question remains: whose Manchurian candidate was Obama?

Great sleuthing Sue!

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My thots are that Deep State owners, CIA

Manipulators, as Brennan has deep Muslim background

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Many are antisemitic. I was shocked to see that within the military when I worked under contract. It wasn’t the low ranking military, it was the officers!!

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Define "anti-Semitic". Since the "Jews" of today aren't Semitic, proof abounds, how can you be anti Semitic towards them?

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Hitler seemed to have no problem defining Semite. He included others he felt were not worthy to live their lives. When someone tells me that they “hate” Jews or talk about Jew bankers with disdain, I take them to be antisemitic. Do you have a different definition? I welcome you to edify me on the finer points of being Jewish.

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Do you know how the Jewish people trace their linage? It’s through the mother rather than the father. So if that was true…Hitler was a Jew. Surprise, surprise. Do some homework. Why was he so anti Jewish? Do some more homework. I for one do not believe in being anti Jewish or anti Semitic or anti any group. I believe every INDIVIDUAL should be tried on their merits and if they fail, well then be anti THEM. For instance not ALL politicians are psychopaths, but most ARE. So should I label all of them psychopaths? No. Anyone who hates any group for their color, religion or whatever other reason as a whole is wrong. The Word says to LOVE your neighbor as yourself. That means to at least give them the benefit of doubt. Want to hear what a JEWISH History professor has to say about what is happening in Gaza? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G12Z0td-Nqo&t=338s

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Hitler’s linage doesn’t matter. He was an antisemite because he wanted to kill all people who considered themselves to be Jewish. He hated Jews. Hey, but Happy New Years to you.

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So where do you find a definition of Semite from Hitler? And yes, he included many others not worth to live their lives. Why aren’t THEY ever spoken of?

For someone to be “antisemitic” you would have to find a Semite to be against. Jews aren’t Semites. Here is a book that was well searched out by a JEWISH author that shows who they really are. He isn’t the only one that came to that conclusion. Personally I’m anti psychopath. I don’t care what color one is, or what race or religion. https://www.amazon.com/Thirteenth-Tribe-Arthur-Koestler/dp/0945001428

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You totally missed my point that military officers said they hated Jews. We cannot have military leaders who promote hate among their charges. Antisemitism is shockingly real. It is as real a bigotry as hating people because they are Christians. If you can’t see that as a problem, then you’re not paying attention. Hitler murdered 2/3rds of all Jews in Europe.

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Thank you.

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Well done! 😅👏 Praying for awakening, conversion and justice! Karma for Obama, the Clintons and others.

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These are some things I did not know of, regarding Schatz, Obama, and the Hawaii ballot. Being in Illinois, I only knew that Obama somehow got on the ballot for Senator, then shortly for President. At the time I was not aware of the birth certificate controversy. I was not following politics or the Tea Party movement.

Last fall I'm sure Obama had plans to insert Big Mike onto the ballot, but Biden jumped the gun and endorsed Harris, nixing that deal.

By the way, in your last paragraph, I think you meant "country", not county.

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He only got the senate seat because he got his opponent's sealed divorce file opened and Jack Ryan then dropped out of the race. Obama's boyfriend, Donald Young, was murdered execution-style on Dec. 23, 2007, right before Obama started his campaign for president. Everyone in Chicago already knew that Obama was gay. It appears they didn't want the voters to find out.

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God is working against him now. He thought that they could get Michelle into the White House. The only smart thing Biden ever did in his life was endorse Kamala Harris.

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Psalm 94:22-23, “But the Lord is my defence; and my God is the rock of my refuge. And he shall bring upon them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness; yea, the Lord our God shall cut them off.” “Karma,” call it what you wish, but Biden’s vengeance upon Obama and the party was a nuclear bomb with incredible consequences that bought the American people time to stand up against the wicked tyrants and their subterfuge. It was a kind of miracle before our very eyes! 👀 2024 was a year of miracles where heads were turned and a bullet meant to take us out, instead grazed a single ear.

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Whoa! Is he an MK Ultra asset?

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Biden saved us from the Obamas. Thanks. I'll fix it.

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Hey! Biden did something right!?

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I believe you are absolutely right about Obama wanting to insert Big Mike and Biden jumping the gun! Bidens one and only best move!😂

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Payback, aka karma is a female dog.

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Great post on one of the most evil people on earth! I concur with every word you’ve written! I was shocked that people did not wake up to how despicable this person is when he said, “we’re five days away from the fundamental transformation of America.” Justice is coming for him and bringing hell with it!

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We have had many a corrupt president but none who hated ou country or wished its destruction as much as this evil man 🤬

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He has been the worst.

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Having lived in HI since 1989, I’ve always been curious about why the Dems/Elites have had such a stranglehold on the machinations here. The power culture here is definitely an oddity. The GOP is practically a non-entity. That said, it is surprising the Republican vote has been gaining strength since 2016. I started paying more attention to the political scene here after Trumps 2016 victory and have been noticing that the “Official” election results never seem to pass the smell test. Of course the media outlets here are just as bought and paid for as in the mainland US.

I had completely forgotten about that weasel Schatz being Lt. Gov around the time of Barry’s rising, but I do remember the controversy when Abercommie awarded him with the Senate seat, which was baffling considering his performance in the election you mentioned in your post.


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I tried to see what the different island voting was and they had them compiled together. Maui was all for Trump. I am told there were signs and banners everywhere and all the business people are pro-Trump.

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Abercrombie was a terrible gov! Ugh. And he put Schatz in congress! Double ugh.

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There should be consequences for that!

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Amen, Susan.

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I'm enjoying the way you're laying this out. This is excellent for me because it's also showing the way the evil slowly infiltrated the democrat party. Very nice! Thank you for truly making me informed. I know I've mentioned I never liked Obama... but I like knowing my instinct served me well... way back then!

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You’re welcome. I’m a pretty simple writer but I have the information and, obviously, can prove what I say.

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Get a copy of Susan's book. That is if you can stomach the truth behind every word in it.

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Schatz is a terrible senator, but his female cohort is way worse!!

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She is as dumb as a box of rocks.

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And makes me wanna vomit (like Pelosi and Kameltoes) every time I see her on tv or hear her talk.

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Is he related to the Rockefeller by chance?

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Doubt it.

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Probably his illegitimate son?! lol

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If you bet on who Obama’s father was, put your money on Frank Marshall Davis, a known communist and pedophile.

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