Wow! If this is all true, Kash needs to put it on his to do list. It's getting longer by the minute!

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All true. You see the documents (or receipts).

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All true.

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We knew years ago that his BC was fake. In that year, blacks were referred to as Negroes and the hospital where he was supposedly born did not yet near that name. The photoshop mistakes were obvious.

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All true.

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Such was the deep state then, no one cared. Exactly like Covid; anyone who questioned any part of the narrative was attacked and silenced. P.S. I am not suicidal.

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Me either.

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Please, Kash. It can't start soon enough.

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You nailed it Susan. The day of reckoning is here. It's far from over, but long overdue.

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Thanks, Will.

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Can you comprehend how fast the changes are coming? Sir Trump was not sitting on his arse diddling all these years.

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Susan you are the best your tanacity and focus is the best thankyou for keeping up exposing this illegitimate cretin scumbag

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Thanks, Jim.

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Susan do you know who put Obama in power? He didn't come out of nowhere with nothing on his own. I'm assuming whoever it was, to be a pretty powerful Communist.

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It started with Bill Ayers and then billionaire Penny Pritzker was seriously involved. She was even part of his Cabinet. Valerie Jarrett was part of it, too. She worked for Mayor Daley and was friends with Michelle. She lived in the White House, along with Michelle’s mother.

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No accident he was part of the Chicago machine. I'm guessing Rahm Emanuel is a key link between The Clintons, Chicago and Barrack Obama. But who did Rahm work for? I don't know. If I had to guess, I would say George Soros. But I would also like to hear Susan's thoughts, it's a great question.

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Rahm and Obama were buddies. They even belonged to Man’s Country, Chicago's longest-running gay bathhouse. Michelle introduced Obama to Valerie Jarrett, who worked for Mayor Daley. It was one big incestuous relationship. Rahm went to the White House but Michelle chased him away. He returned to Chicago and became mayor. Rahm was a ballet dancer and was offered a scholarship to the Joffery Ballet School, which he turned down.

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I believe Gov. Pritzker of Illinois was also instrumental in the meteoric rise of Bathhouse Barry.

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It was his sister, Penny Pritzker.

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Aha! thanks for the correction.

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Barack's mother was CIA and possibly her mother as well. He was pretty much groomed since birth to be President. Bill Ayers, the activist, actually wrote at least one of Barack's books. He went to Chicago to work for a law firm, and that's where he met Michelle. Valerie Jarrett was there and became his handler, including thru the 8 years at the WH. The crooks in IL unsealed the divorce records of the Republican candidate for Senate, after which the guy did not get the Senate seat, Barack did. When Barack began running for Pres, they realized there was much incriminating evidence. They forged a draft registration for him. They destroyed the Airplane travel/passport records for the time when Barack would have been born in Kenya and flown back with his mother. Barack only was a Senator for a short time and they moved him into running for President, thwarting poor Hillary. 😊

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Jack Ryan dropped out of the race after his divorce was unsealed. Obama was not born in Kenya.

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Yes, I still remember where I was when I heard Ryan dropped out. The problem with Obama's birth is that the birth cert, they showed was forged, with wording and numbers that were out of sequence. I still don't know where he was born. The hospital had no record either.

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I believe he was born in Maywood, the Salvation Army home in Vancouver, B.C. In his alleged father’s immigration file there is an interview that says his mother was going to contact the SA to give the baby away.

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Very interesting, thanks! I had not heard that. Remember, it appeared that Barack's mother went to college in Canada, I forget the details now. But it seems she took the baby to Hawaii and her mother may have raised him for a while? Not sure. But yes, your info sounds correct!!

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She went to college for a year in Seattle, near where she grew up on Mercer Island. She was a pathological liar, too.

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Is Michelle actually Michael?

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Also I have to mention, it appears Barack's Columbia degree was purchased. And at Harvard Law, he became Editor of the Law Review. However he never wrote a single article, which was highly unusual.

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He never attended Columbia according to the late Dr. Henry Graff who taught history there for forty-six years. I interviewed him and he said neither he, nor any of the other professors in his department ever heard of Obama or saw him on the campus.

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One of my friends was at Columbia at the same time at Obama and said he never was there, he knew all the Pol Sci. students.

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Obama never went to Columbia and he only took four or five classes at Occidental which means he got into Harvard Law School without even an associate’s degree. And then he never wrote a single article as president of the Law Review. It’s like he already knew that his resume was going to claim he graduated Magna Cum Laude.

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Yes, I wonder if his mother's connections "latched" on to him and decided to "groom" him to be President? There are so many unusual aspects to all this. Why would they put the effort into someone like him?

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Some guy named Phil Boerner claims he was Obama's roommate at Columbia. Could be lying, of course, but have you talked to him?

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No, I have never talked to him because I knew he was lying.

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The CIA killed at least 3 of Barack's gay buddies before he got the nomination. Another guy looked at his passport records and he was killed!!!

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Two of his friends, including Obama's boyfriend Donald Young, were killed execution style in Nov. and Dec. 2007. The third died of AIDS. I have no information about anyone looking at passport records.

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Yes, I think it was Quarles Harris Jr, who got a look at the passport records and was later shot.

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He was involved with stealing passports. It might have been him. When they found his shot to death he had passport books in his car.

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Small correction—Obama was too young to be drafted, folks. I’m older than he and didn’t have to register for the draft. Get your facts right.

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Here are the correct facts: Selective Service was halted from 1976 to 1980 when it was then reinstituted. He was required to register with SS, unless he was foreign. His alleged application has a phony date stamp on it and the date precedes, by a day, when he allegedly signed it. His phony CT social security number appears of the letter he received telling him his application was received. It should have been a form from about 1980. Instead in is a 2007 form. All his phony documents were made in 2008.

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Since Obama was born on August 4, 1961, he was 18 yrs old during the period of no Selective Service you mention. So he had no reason to register.

But none of that matters, because as the son of an American mother, he met citizenship requirements. A lot of countries do likewise: one parent is enough to let the child choose their citizenship when they’re of age.

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He was required to register in 1980 and did not, which was a violation of federal law. Not in this case. He was born outside of the U.S. and in 1961 the mother of a child born outside of America had to be five years past the age of fourteen to confer citizenship on her child. She was 18 and 9 months when he was born, three months short of the requirement. He was born in Vancouver, B.C.

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Susan, Why don’t you acknowledge that being 18 yrs old during the period of NO Selective Service means the man didn’t have to register? And since when did America make 14 yrs the age at which citizenship is decided? “Conferred” is a buzzword. I have relatives who at 18 yrs old had to choose between American or Mexican citizenship.

I disagree with nearly everything Obama stands for, but there’s no reason to make things up about his background to nullify his pathetic legacy.

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Yes, the point is, when he was selected to run, they had to do a lot of coverup. I remember they sent someone, was it Rahm? over to Europe and Africa to do purges of documents. These type of things are clues that all was not right. I just thought also to mention, good old Hillary went to some kind of repository of British documents to try to find Obama's birth certificate. Does anyone remember that?

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What do you know about Loretta Fuddy, and her death?

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It was no accident. Soft landing in the water and video of her paddling around. Someone she worked with said he was holding her hand and she just floated away. Nope. Who would let someone just float away?

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Wasn't there some weirdness with the life jackets? I don't recall details but remember hearing there were more child-sized ones and not enough adult size?

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That sounds vaguely familiar.

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She was the only one out of eight passengers they died.

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It is impossible to mistreat o'bombya.

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This is quickly becoming a revelation of an insanely corrupt scam against Americans

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It was exactly that.

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Queer is headed for a non-extradition country

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Michelle is a man.

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Actually she is a woman. I have a photo of her in dance class at age fifteen wearing tights. She is not a man.

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That’s not her.

She’s a he.

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Actually I have a photo of her at age fifteen in dance class wearing tights. She is a she.

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There appears a high degree of evidence that Obama's kids are not actually his or Michelle's, since I couldn't find any pregnant Michelle pics beyond AI. This 'is it a he or she' question goes way deep. Reason I'm posting this: Obummer is even MORE of a fraud than your article suggests!

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I don’t believe those are their children. I believe Marty Nesbitt and his wife, Anita Blanchard, are the real parents.

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I recall a story that when Brennan’s company was providing technical security assistance to the U.S. government, there was a breach of passport records. Supposedly, the offenders breached Hillary Clinton’s records. However, others stated that the real story was that the Hillary version was a cover, and the records were raided in order to destroy the data regarding Obama’s travel to Pakistan as a student during the time he was supposed to be at Occidental, and travel to Pakistan was supposed to be forbidden. Or did he have a passport from another country? Anyone recall this?

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Part of this is true. I don’t know if he had another passport from a different country. Remember the CIA was always involved with the family.

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Hopefully gitmo

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Let the indictments start falling......The exposure is coming and I hope justice is, too.

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Throw em in the ocean 🌊 make sharks MAGA 🦈⚖️🇺🇲🖤

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Susan, dear, how is it you’re still alive? I do want to read your book!

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Apparently, they don’t consider me a threat.

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