On February 2, 2025, Punxsutawney Phil popped out of his hole at Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. Unlike Phil, no one has seen Obama this year. The Obamas did make an appearance on Valentine’s Day but only through a selfie online, along with gushing words of love. “You take my breath away.” “You’re my rock?” The sentiments sound like Hallmark rejects.
Obama showed his face only once since the election, and that was in California in December when a grim-faced Obama followed his smiling wife out of a restaurant. She dropped the smile after she got into the car.
Despite their claims, Michelle was supposed to be the Democrat candidate in 2024 and Biden stiffed them by endorsing Kamala Harris, who he dislikes as much as he does the Obamas. Michelle would have miraculously received enough votes to win, just like Biden did, and our county would have been doomed. If all that happened, the Obamas would now be happy as pigs in porcine excrement, instead of at each other’s throats.
With that endorsement, Biden stopped Michelle’s candidacy as quickly as the building of his library was stopped by the lawsuit filed by one of the minority companies. Obama insisted they help build the monstrosity. The general contractor presented photos of the failed work: cracking concrete floors and bare rebar.
Obama is wise to keep his head down, Musk will soon uncover Obama’s phony Connecticut social security number and it will be curtains for the Obamas. Obama has used a phony number, in violation of federal law, since his mid-20s. Before that he had a Hawaiian number which would have started with 576 or 576, not the 042 one he uses.
Until the Obama administration changed the law in June 2011 to randomize the issuance of social security numbers, they were assigned by the residential address of the requester. Was that done to try to denigrate the allegation that I uncovered his phony number in 2009 and spoke out about it then? The stolen number is even on his 2009 tax return:
Before Obama learned that he had to be a “natural born citizen” to be president, his birth story was different. Michelle said he was born in Kenya. Then they changed his place of birth to Hawaii. Except Tim Adams, a election day worker there in 2008, swore in an affidavit that there was no birth certificate at the Board of Health.
Obama is a felon and a fraud, and he better lay low. Every law he signed and every dollar spent during his administration was done illegally. Every asset he has, and those of everyone else who knew he was an illegitimate candidate, should be confiscated and sold by the government to help repayment of out debt, which we are paying $3 billion in interest every day.
Now that Kash Patel has been confirmed as Director of the FBI, which Obama used to torment Patel, karma will rear its head. The name of Obama should be spelled RICO and when an investigation is done there will be a lot of familiar names involved: Brennan, Clintons, Clapper, McConnell, Rice, Nuland, Power, Jarrett, Pritzker, and an unlimited number of politicians and judges. They all knew. They all deserve to pay. They tried to kill our country.
Susan Daniels is a private investigator and the author of The Rubbish Hauler’s Wife versus Barack Obama: A True Story and is available at Amazon.com.
Wow! If this is all true, Kash needs to put it on his to do list. It's getting longer by the minute!
Please, Kash. It can't start soon enough.