Please forward your evidence to Tom Homan, border czar for ICE.

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My evidence consists of 80+ different reports sent over several years.

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Wonderful! Thank you! Tom Homan seems to be the most serious person regarding illegal border crossers.

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15 years ago my son was part of the HSLDA debate club and their topic that year was “anchor babies.” I am grateful President Trump is addressing this travesty and I am confident Tom Homan will welcome whatever help he can get in this critical misuse of the 14th Amendment.

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The amendment states “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside”. The key word is “are”, as in the present, when the amendment was ratified. If it was meant to be a future tense, it would have stated “shall be”. It was clearly only meant for the time when it was ratified.

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George, I wish everyone was as smart as you.

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Thank you, very much

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Susan, my take on this amendment is a bit different from what George has posted although he makes an excellent point.

I think the focus needs to be on the part that says “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”

This amendment was enacted to address the issue of African slaves who were brought here and had children who were born here. They were all subject to American jurisdiction. These people are considered to be CITIZENS.

People who have come here across the border without going through proper channels have always been subjects of a DIFFERENT jurisdiction (their countries of origin.) These people do not meet the test of being subject to our jurisdiction since they have continually been subject to the jurisdiction elsewhere.

I think the SCOTUS has to rule in this way, given that this provision has never truly been tested and the policy of letting these people stay (the path of least resistance ) has been US Policy regardless as to its intent by the authors of the 14th Amendment.

Kind regards,


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I think you are exactly right. Someone else posted: https://substack.com/@georgebredestege/note/c-87947724

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I don't believe that the Constitution was amended only to be valid during the time that the amendment was enacted. The purpose of amending the Constitution is to carry the change forward forever (unless the amendment is repealed or changed by a very strict process.)

The key to this is establishing that these Undocumented people who came across the border illegally, never stopped being under the jurisdiction of their home countries. I believe that basing an argument over present tense vs. future tense is a good way to lose it.

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At the debate before the 14th Amendment was passed, Senator Jacob Howard said, “This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers” but sadly “subject to the jurisdiction thereof" is lost in context.

We must clarify this through the legislature - and even more sadly, too many current senators and representatives do not vote the way the people believe because most Americans polled want an end to this birthright citizenship loophole which as you pointed out is ripe for abuse, as always.

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This circumvention of the intent and purpose for which the law was written is just one of many ways many laws of our land have been ‘adjusted’ to accommodate devious illegal practices by those who dislike (hate the USA). Selfish, greedy, at the least, the original intent of the 14th amendment must be supported or deleted from our Constitution.

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This was never intended by the Founders!!

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Powerful, first-hand account, needs to be seen by the right people.

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Thanks, Jack.

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I am very confident that Tom Hoamn will follow the fullest extent of the law and do his job and not just give people lip service on illegal immigration.

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Although well intentioned it’s badly and inappropriately misused and should be into those here legally and for more than 90 days ending citizenship va

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Americans , we re the saps. No country in the world allows non citizens to drop a baby in their country and claim citizenship. I want to know who was the a$$ hole who started to stupid idea

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Cherry picking is a specialty of the Left, Susan. You are 💯% correct.💪

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Great Job!! Take care and stay safe!!

Columbus Free Press had this article on Husted you might be interested in

https://columbusfreepress.com/article/warning- america-about-ohio%E2%80%99s-newly-appointed-senator-jon-husted


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Thanks, Bill. I have posted this everywhere I can think of.

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The article is no longer available, as of 2/3/25

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Just WOW. And just for grins - the Panama Chinese infiltration camps have sent tens of thousands of invaders into the US to cross marry and propagate new US citizens.

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Please send a link to your information about Panama Chinese Infiltration Camps. I work directly with Ohio Legislators who I could share this information.

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I’m not sure what you mean by “Panama Chinese Infiltration Camps.” I did not write anything like that.

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Susan, he is informing us of a parallel event that mirrors your story..

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Michael Yon has reported on these - this is the one article that caught my attention, but he has several that go in and out of the UN immigration NGO fronts facilitating all the transfers -the Chinese among them - he has a lot to search through for more info. Good Luck


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