
Read "Obama Caters to Frozen Joe: Forgets Drowned Chef"

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Everything about Barack Obama is fraudulent. He is not who he says he is, not born where he says he was born, did not graduate from either university he supposedly attended, is a homosexual or bisexual and his wife is his "beard", has been "installed" by secretive backers everywhere he has ever landed politically, and was ineligible to even run for the presidency. Even worse, there is strong evidence that he is Biden's puppeteer. The BIG question, for me therefore, is who the hell are Obama's backers and what is their grand scheme? Because Obama is simply not bright enough to have pulled this all off by himself. There is something very big behind this whole "Obama" operation.

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Think Klaus Schwab and the WEF. I believe it goes that high. Obama only took five classes at Occidental and can document it. The late Dr. Henry Graff, who taught History at Columbia for forty-six years, told me in an interview that he never saw Obama on campus, never had him in a class and neither did any other professor in the department. Graff also told me that the Dean told him that he had no idea who Obama was but was told to sign Obama's diploma and did. Obama was a felon in the White House using the stolen social security of someone born in Connecticut. He was not born in Hawaii. I can make a solid argument that he was born in Vancouver, B.C., and has never been a U.S. citizen.

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You are an American treasure. I did a post on my Substack about your work today. You can see it here: https://libsarenuts.substack.com/p/the-utter-fraud-that-is-obama. It has already been viewed 90 times and counting. I've also shared it with my friends who are not on Substack, and I bought a Kindle version of your book. I'm also restacking your other posts as I read them. Keep up the great work. I will help spread the word. Your story would make a great movie. Have you pursued that avenue? I wish I knew someone in that world, but unfortunately, I don't. Maybe someone who reads this will have a connection.

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I don't know enough words to thank you properly. I hoped that someone would come along to help give me a push. I have been trying to tell anyone who would listen what was done to us by those who betrayed us with the worthless and racist Barack Obama. I sent proof to at least a dozen politicians in 2012 and was ignored. I sent a book to Tucker Carlson's Maine retreat last year. I hoped that his wife would read it and tell him about it. But nothing came of that. Larry Sinclair had a story. I have documents.

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That always struck me as wrong about the dumping of bin Laden's body at sea. I was thinking that maybe he was still alive and living with other debunked Dictators in Hawaii or some other tropic isle. It never occurred to me that they would pretend to kill an already dead terrorist for some fake glory. So, bin Laden had been dead 10 years before Obama killed him. It's also odd that Obama took so much credit for this. He was the first Manchurian Candidate and Biden is the 2nd.

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Obama's poll numbers were tanking and he was in trouble. He needed a big "ta-da" to save him. He rode "I killed bin Laden" into a second term. I got a copy of his death notice and sent it to a company that translates information. Their translation was identical to the one that appeared in foreign newspapers

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I wrote extensively in my book, "The Rubbish Hauler's Wife Versus Barack Obama: A True Story," about the fictional killing of bin Laden. It includes communication between CENTCOM and the USS Carl Vison as the helicopters were headed there to dump a body and it wasn't bin Laden's. They made all 5,000 sailors go below deck before the helicopters arrived.

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Dan Rather did report about bin Laden being in a Pakistani hospital receiving kidney dialysis on the day of 9/11. I think that Bin Laden was in retirement in Pakistan and they waited for him to die then acted like they went in and killed him.https://youtu.be/J4R8Z4xJhaE?si=IRhnmtF3NW3UFe1i

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This is not true. Bin Laden was in the American Hospital in Dubai for fourteen days in July 2001 for an operation for renal disorder. An American, Dr. Terry Gallagher, operated on him. He arrived with four bodyguards and a male nurse. He was released on July 14, 2001, and returned to Pakistan. While he was in the hospital, he was visited by a CIA operative. Our government knew where bin Laden was and could have captured him. They needed him as a "boogie man" to continue the illegal war and had to pretend they were still looking for him. Bin Laden died on Dec. 16, 2001, of kidney disease in the Tora Bora mountains. There was no dialysis machine in the house that was attacked. Bin Laden had two, including one in his hideout. The SEALs killed the owner of the house, according to a neighbor. Bin Laden was never seen there. Two of bin Laden's bodyguards, who never left his sight, were spotted alone in Feb. 2002. Bin Laden was never seen again. Obama is the ultimate liar. Read my book. It's all in there.

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Either way, we know the operation to kill Bin Laden was a fraud. He was a CIA asset and had nothing to do with the attacks on 9/11. Even the video of him supposedly claiming responsibility, was a fake. The imposter in the video had a wide, African nose and then proceeded to write with his right hand. And 9/11 was predicted in the pilot episode of “The Lone Gunman” pilot episode, a spin-off of the X-Files, in which aircraft are flown into the WTC by remote control. This aired 6 months before 9/11. And it would explain the crashed airliner in Pennsylvania, because had they broken into the cockpit they would have found no crew piloting the aircraft. https://youtu.be/IIdhoc0PRr8?si=S9C6DSUKkD3Dy9sL

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From my book:

Paul Joseph Watson’s book “Order Out of Chaos” said that

the government had previously been alerted that there were going

to be attacks on American soil and airplanes were going to be used

as the weapons.

In a section called “Warnings on the Eve of the Attack,”

Watson writes: “Newsweek twice reported that top Pentagon

officials had got a warning of the impending attack on September

10th and cancelled their flights for the next day. This confirms that

these officials knew both the locations of the imminent attack and

the method of using jetliners as bombs.”

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Of course they knew. Especially if they were flying the aircraft by remote control.

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