It's Time the Legal System Went After Obama
Using a stolen Social Security Number is against the law
While corrupt district attorneys have spent the last four years hounding former President Donald Trump with bogus lawsuits that Judge Judy would have thrown out of court, Barack Obama has been allowed to skate. I have written at length about how Barack Obama has used a stolen Connecticut social security number since his mid-20s.
That is a violation of federal law 42 U.S. Code § 408. “There are numerous examples of Social Security fraud.… Notably, these prohibited acts must be made willingly and knowingly (emphasis added). Two of the prohibited acts that Obama is guilty of are 1) Falsely represent a number as your Social Security number and 2) Enter misleading material on a tax return form.
From the Social Security site: “Social Security has zero tolerance for fraud. We diligently work at the national, regional, and local levels to combat fraud that undermines our mission to serve the American public.
“To meet this challenge, we work closely with our Office of the Inspector General (OIG), which investigates allegations of fraud and seeks to bring offenders to justice. The OIG refers cases to U.S. attorneys within the Department of Justice, and other state and local prosecuting authorities, for prosecution as federal crimes.”
It’s time for the OIG to step up and start an investigation. I have provided proof , including in a lawsuit I filed against the Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted in 2012 in an attempt to keep Obama off our presidential ballot. Husted, while required under law to investigate any complaints of impropriety of candidates before the election, refused to do his job.
I am not a lawyer but believe that Obama should be charged civilly and criminally. He not only ran for president using a fraudulent social security number, which is a felony, but was elected twice. I also believe that every law he signed and every dollar he spent while holding that office was done illegally.
I believe the federal government should swoop in and confiscate by civil and criminal forfeiture every asset the Obamas own: Every property, profit from books, bank accounts, stocks, bonds, jewelry, clothes and anything else they own. If they bought their daughters a car take them, too. The government should sell every pot and pan they own and put all the money in the government general fund towards the national debt. It appears that everything the Obamas have acquired has been done so illegally.
Before he claimed to be born in Hawaii, he said he was born in Kenya. It’s time he was charged with breaking the law. He needs to lose every possession he ever acquired and then needs to be deported. He could not prove he was an American citizen and should never have been allowed as a candidate.
I think the government should then go after the Obamas for violation of the RICO act and then arrest the hundreds of people who helped him pull off the criminal enterprise that benefitted them all illegally. From Justia: Although it was originally used against the Mafia, it now defines thirty-five offenses, including mail and wire fraud and are considered “predicate offenses.” I doubt Obama’s salary was paid in cash.
If the government needs help with the list of conspirators, I am happy to help. Let’s start it off in alphabetical order: Austin, Brennan, Clapper, Clintons…
Susan Daniels is the author of The Rubbish Hauler’s Wife versus Barack Obama: A True Story. She has also been licensed by the State of Ohio as a private investigator for more than thirty years.
Magnificent! I believe Kash Patel will be named Attorney General when Trump wins reelection. He's a warrior and I believe he is feared by the entire Obama & Co. cabal because they know they're in his sights. Every single one of 'em, including Barack The Magic Negro (as described by the LA Times during his reign of terror.) LET'S CLEAN HOUSE! And let's start with Obama.
And wait 'til the American people start learning about P.Diddy. Barack and Michelle are up to their asses in that mess too. Adios, Barack! You, too, "Mike". ;-)
He is also buddy-buddy with P-diddy, with alleged videos with him and minors. Nothing to see there also